now, the fine print...
otherwise specified, this
entire Website, logo, images, artwork, commentary,
poetry and prose ©2004 by Mitch Selleck. All rights
reserved. Reproduction of original material from these
pages without written permission is prohibited, likely
illegal, and just not a nice thing.
the best of my knowledge, all content displayed here
is mine, in the public domain, or fair use of copyrighted
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may contain certain material, use of which has not been
specifically authorized by the copyright owner, I
believe this use on the Web to be "fair use" as
provided for in Section 107 of the United States Copyright
Law. That being said, if you
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to other sites in these pages are just that: links. We
make no representation as to suitability or usefulness
of content. Your actual mileage may vary. Offer not valid
in all States. Professional Driver on closed course.
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Consult
your personal Tax Advisor. Batteries not included. is dedicated
to my wife Cher who, after 29 years, still understands.
